Convenience for You

Our high speed washers can wash your laundry in under 35 mins and our extra large gas operated tumble dryers take 25-30 mins for an average-sized load. All machines are automatically dispensed with high quality detergent and fabric softener - no need to bring detergent!

Laundromat shopfront from angle

Machines & Dryers

We have the latest model Electrolux commercial machines from Europe that are more water and energy efficient than earlier models. The machines automatically weigh the items and calculate how much water and detergent to use to suit each load to avoid wastage of our precious commodity and help protect our environment.

Our largest 20kg machines holds up to 4 basket loads, will wash large doonas and blankets.

We have the most powerful tumble dryers in Australia that are in two different sizes. We have four large commercial dryers that will dry most items within 35 minutes. They also tumble the load in two different directions to reduce the amount of wrinkles in fabrics.

Three small washing machines from angle

Our Prices

Doonas and large items for $16.00 and dry for $5.00. We have pet bed washing facilities available as well. Prices include cold, warm and hot settings.

Hotel guests can avoid exorbitant hotel laundry costs by visiting the laundromat and have all their washing done in under an hour.

All prices include auto injected sanitising detergent, softener and transaction fees.

Washing Machines

Pet Blanket

10Kg Machine

$6.00 per load

2 Basket

10Kg Machine

$6.00 per load

3 Basket

14Kg Machine

$9.50 per load

4 Basket / Doona Machine

20Kg Machine

$16.00 per load

Tumble Dryers

Small Dryer

$3 for 15 minutes
$5 for 25 minutes

Large Dryer

$3 for 12 minutes
$5 for 20 minutes

How to Use the Cashless Payment Kiosk

Please follow the instructions below on how to operate the washing machines and dryers in the laundromat. Please note this is a cashless laundromat, we DO NOT accept notes or coins.

Clothes inside machine.jpg

1. Load items into an available machine of your choice

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2. Take note of the number of machine

Selecting wash on kiosk.jpg

3. Approach kiosk and select 'Wash' or 'Dry'

Depending if washing machine or tumble dryer is used.

Selecting machine number.jpg

4. Select machine number and hit 'Proceed'

Tapping card to make payment.jpg

5. Pay by following the prompts, then by tapping or inserting your card

When a black and white invoice appears on the screen with the amount to pay, hold your card on the plate to the right until you hear a ‘beep’. If no ‘beep’ is heard, insert or swipe your card in the slot at the edge of the kiosk and you can enter your PIN.

Wait for a prompt to appear advising that your machine is being credited, now you can return to your allocated machine.

Turn the knob to select a program.jpg

6. Go back to your machine and select temperature setting

FOR WASHERS: Turn the silver dial at the right of the screen.

FOR DRYERS: Press the button on the left that has a thermometer icon.

Press the knob to start.jpg

7. Wait for the price counts down to zero, then press 'Start' on the knob or button (dryers)